A big “Thank you” to the Private Wealth Network (PWN), Australia:
Mr. Alan Duncan, Mr. Richard Milroy, Ms. Sita Bala, Mr. Leon Kantor and team at PWN https://www.pwnetwork.com.au/ offered VACD a stall free of charge at their annual Private Wealth Congress held at the Hyatt Regency in Sydney on 30th and 31st October to help VACD generate support for our mission, in appreciation of the pro bono work I do for them. This event showcases prominent speakers and presenters and attracts a range of high net worth personalities.
The stall was staffed by Mrs. Yasmin Stephen, VACD Australia Board members Mr. Giles Gunasekera, Mrs. Shanthi Manamperi (left photo) and Mr. Matt Levy (right photo) and me while Mr. Michael Bones –(bonesy@yeehawtribe.com) (in right photo) was responsible for the designing of the display venue at the Hyatt.

“Congrats!!!” to our dynamic Australian VACD Board members:
We are proud of our VACD Australia board members who continue to excel in their chosen fields of endeavour.
Mr. Matt Levy – OAM, who is also the VACD Ambassador & director proved himself worthy of the title ‘champion’ by winning a swag of 3 gold and 1 silver medals, and achieving 5 Personal Bests and 2 World Records at the Australia Short Course Championships held at the Melbourne Sports Centre from 24th to 26th October.

Mr. Giles Gunesekera (VACD Australia’s hardworking and energetic Secretary) and CEO of Global Impact Initiative (GII) was rewarded for his devoted mission when he was honoured by the United Nations as a LEAD Company for his innovative work in pursuit of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Giles’ company is the only Australian business from among just 36 globally to earn this accolade at the UN.
GII works with family offices, foundations and pension funds to construct impact investments that have the dual purpose of generating financial returns and creating social impact, while adhering to the principles of gender equality, renewable energy, health and affordable housing. https://www.globalimpactinitiative.com.au/

We salute you both, wish you plenty of success and a journey that takes you from strength to strength!
Cerebral Palsy Day
VACD’s collaborative partner Cerebral Palsy Lanka Foundation (CPLF) http://cplanka.org/ organised a “National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Program” to commemorate World Cerebral Palsy Day on Sunday, 6th October across several major towns in Sri Lanka as seen in the map below. The event in Badulla Sri Lanka was organised by the VACD Badulla director and the VACD team.

Meeting with Rotary Club of Flemington & Kensington, Victoria
Thanks to the tireless efforts and initiative of VACD Australia Board Member Ms. Gabriella Vascotto, VACD Australia Administrative Secretary Mrs. Yasmin Stephen, Ms. Gabriella Vascotto and myself had a meeting with this chapter of Rotary Club whose project ‘Donations in Kind’ involves warehousing a range of good quality superseded and non-perishable equipment donated by hospitals, schools and businesses. We are investigating the possibility of sending a shipment of medical, physical training, computers & educational aids, furniture etc. to Sri Lanka to be used in VACD centres and local paediatric clinics.

Ms. Lesley McCarthy- President Rotary Club of Flemington & Kensington (2nd from left) and Ms. Gabriella Vascotto (extreme right), Yasmin Stephen and me.
After the meeting the President of this chapter Ms. Lesley McCarthy very kindly took us on a tour of their warehouse, which held a vast stock of donated goods from hospitals, companies, businesses and schools.

Just a small section of the stock at the ‘Donations in Kind’ warehouse (left photo) and Ms. McCarthy, Yasmin, Mr. Laurie Fisher – DIK Coordinator and me at the warehouse.
AuSLMAT (Australia Sri Lanka Medical Aid Team):
We took the opportunity to have a dinner meeting with Dr. Quintus De Zylva – Past President AuSLMAT (extreme right) and Mr. Gordon Miles – Treasurer AuSLMAT (extreme left) our collaborative partners while in Melbourne, updated them on VACD initiatives and introduced them to The Rotary Club of Flemington & Kensington.

Family Assistance Program
Our Sri Lanka board continue to receive requests for assistance from families who are in financial distress, particularly in impoverished rural communities to which we responded by launching our Family Assistance Program (FAP) appeal.
Although we are delighted to have received some offers of sponsorships following our appeal, we require more sponsors as this is a self-funding program and support required is quite sizeable. In other words, as and when we receive a committed sponsor, a family on the prioritised and vetted list of needy families will be allocated this monthly allowance.
Please join us on this benevolent journey:
Please reach out to us at:fstephen@bigpond.net.au and support our initiatives and share this newsletter with your family, friends, loved ones and colleagues so that together we can make a difference in the lives of children with disabilities, one by one!!!
Our sincere thanks to all of you for your continued invaluable support, guidance, counselling and assistance and for being part of this incredible, challenging, immensely rewarding and fulfilling journey.
Many thanks, best wishes and warm regards…. Felix
Felix Stephen
Chairman of the Board of Directors – VACD Ltd. Sydney – Australia – http://www.vacd.org.au/
Member of the Advisory Board – VACD USA – http://www.vacdusa.org/
Member of the Advisory Board – VACD Sri Lanka
Senior Associate – Cognoscenti Group – Sydney – Australia- http://www.cognoscenti.global/
Consultant – Investment Committee – Lonsec – Sydney – Australia – https://www.lonsec.com.au/
Member of Investment Committee – Arrive Wealth Management – Brisbane – Australia – http://brisbane.arrivewealthmanagement.com.au/
Consultant – Global Financial Market Investment Research & Investment Strategy
E-mail: felixswstephen@gmail.com / fstephen@bigpond.net.au